For the virgin post I'd like to introduce one of my girlfriends, Ginger. She and I met roughly three and a half years ago at a friend's party. If you've read previous posts then you are familiar with some of the chaos we cause in order to have a great and memorable time. Ginger will tell a bit about herself, but you will see my response to her reply in stiletto red *evil laugh*. Let the fun begin!
Q: What is your full name, and who were you named after (if anyone)?
A: My full name is Ginger Jeanette Burroughs...well...OBVIOUSLY, my parents were fans of Gilligan's Island!!!!! LOL...Kidding! My middle name was given to me after my Grandma Jean, other than dad just loved the name Ginger.
SAI: Our nickname(s) for her are Ging, Ginger Spice.
Q: Describe your physical self:
A: Geez Sis...really? My physical self, blond-ish red-ish hair...this month anyways, hazel eyes, freckles, and a ghetto
SAI: Yeah, no. She’s a petite lil’ thing with a J-Lo butt. When you hear the song “I like big butts and I cannot lie…itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face…” That’s Ging. She has a fabulous haircut that always looks fresh, a pixie shaped face with a wicked smile. I say wicked because she has subtle vampire fangs that Twilight fans would kill for. Here’s a recent pick of our spicy Ginger and hubby:

Q: What is your profession and do you like your job?
A: I am a Massage Therapist at Transformations Salon and Day Spa. I do love my job....I waited 15 years to do it.
SAI: For those of you familiar with massages, triple the relaxation and serenity with Ging. She’s made the 15 year wait well worth it!
Q: Are you married? If yes, elaborate.
A: Joe and I have been married for 9 years, together for 16 yrs. We were high school sweethearts. We met at a favorite hangout called Garibaldi's. A popular Italian food hand out. We had a mutual friend (Bob) who introduced us. We hit it off and have been together ever since. WE have defiantly been on a roller coaster ride for 16 yrs...I LOVE roller coasters!
SAI: Awe! Roller Coaster of love!
Q: What is your home life like?
A: Our home life is a house that is to small for us...but less to clean right???? NOT! We live the typical family, school, meals, chores, homework, practices, more chores for mom, bath times, bed times, puking in the middle of the night, bad dreams, loose teeth falling out, kids crawling in our bed, head lice, more chores for mom, hurt feelings, apologies, kids who think they know more than you, kids who realize they DON'T know more than you, quiet moments(almost never but once in a GREAT while) hugs, kisses, compliments, jokes, and Happiness! Wow...and that's just this week so far!!! We love to be at home...hang out with the kids. There's a lot of laughter, a lot of drama...(4 kids and all), but it's filled with Love!
SAI: All too familiar! Granted I am blessed with only two kids and that does me in. Whew! I’m worn out just reading this answer!
Q: Kids? (Nicknames only)
A: Brand, BobBob, B: He has a very kind and soft heart and is sensitive...he definitely takes after me.
Jake, Akey, J: He is our comedian/witty...he is a funny FUNNY kid..he can cheer me up on my worst day. He gets that from Joe.
Vana, Sovina, Savey, SunShine, VanaGirl: She is our entertainer/out~going. If she could sing in her sleep, she would...actually I think she has before :) I was a singer growing up, but she gets the out going part from her daddy!!!
Jos, Josy, Love Bug, Lovie: She is the lover. She is always asking for hugs and kisses, telling us she loves, telling me how pretty she thinks I am. She is full of compliments for everyone! I think she gets that from...ME! Although Joe always compliments me too.
SAI: Not to mention how gorgeous all four of them are: Blond-haired, blue-eyed, and can charm you with a smile!
Q: Where are you from originally and how did you end up here?
A: I am originally from Elgin IL. I lived there for the first 27 years of my life. We decided to make the move to Florida to "start over". It was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my whole life, but one of the best decisions Joe and I have ever made.
SAI: I agree 100%. After all, how else would we have met?
Q: What is one of your favorite hobbies?
A: Finally an easy one. Photography!!! It is my favorite thing to do in the world. Why do I not do this as my career? I did that back in Chicago, and it became a job...I love it to much for that to happen!
SAI: As a personal reference, her pictures are amazing! She has an “eye” that puts the phrase ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ into perspective.
Q: Have you ever been arrested? If so what for? If not, why not?
A: LOL...nope I've never been arrested...and only because they never caught me!
SAI: Um, I recall driving without lights at night, lost in your boss’ neighborhood for your company’s first Christmas party. The same company you had only been employed at for what, two days? Yeah, formal was literal, not jeans and a scarf. LOL! Not to mention the sheriff’s car that was following us and the alcohol we had stuffed in our purses. Ok, I won’t mention any more than that…
Q: Is there anything you regret?
A: I have a TON of regrets. They sneak up on me sometimes...but they were lessons in my life that I have learned from. They are the past. I spent a lot of years tormenting myself, but I had to let go of the guilt. Like I said, they sneak up occasionally, but you have to move on or be stuck. I don't want to be stuck! I have been forgiven by HIM so in HIS eyes I am free from those mistakes/regrets. Now it's about forgiving myself. It's a struggle everyday, but I'm working on it!
SAI: Something the majority of us can relate to.
Q: If you had a bucket list name the top 5 things on it that you'd want to do before you die.
A: 1. Marry Joe AGAIN, 2. Travel with Joe and the Kids (Hawaii, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Spain, Bahamas(cruise), 3. Go BACK to Hawaii ALONE with Joe for the honeymoon we never had! 4. learn to ballroom~Latin dance...and be really good at it! 5. Be Miss Fitness! Ok..really #5 would be to go on a Generations trip; Me, My Mama, and My Girls!
Q: What is the one thing you'd like people to remember you for?
A: I would hope when people remember me...they would laugh, cry, and be happy happy! I would like them to remember how much I love my family. My sensitive heart..maybe giggle remembering how I cry about EVERYTHING! Remember how my quiet demeanor never meant I didn't have a voice..I just was not as loud as everyone else was. How much I cared about my friends. I loved helping people feel better(massage therapy). How great of a photographer I am :) I guess, that I was a good person.....a big pile of mushy, sensitive, creative, loving loveliness!
SAI: *sniffles*
Q: What is one of the craziest things you've ever done?
A: Well, I would have to say back in the day getting into a fight with a chick twice my size in a bar parking lot and throwing her on top of a moving car, continuing to beat her up until my husband ripped us apart and my BF stepped in! We really were not that type of girls, but this chick was ridiculous and SHE STARTED IT!
SAI: Seriously, to know Ging, she is the quietest and shiest of my friends. Ah, it IS the quiet ones you have to watch!
Q: What is your biggest pet peeve?
A: My biggest pet peeve is farting and liars!!!! LOL!
SAI: Yeah, these two are on my pet peeve list too.
Q: What do you think your weakness/strengths are?
A: I think my strength is my sensitive heart...I think my weakness sensitive heart!
SAI: So very true.
- Food- french fries
- Beverage- ice water w/lemon or's a toss up!
- Color- pink and turquoise
- Smell- Lily of the Valley (flower)
- Sound- the ocean or thunderstorms/rain
- Actor- Ryan Gosling
- Actress- Angelina Jolie
- Book- The Bible and Captivating
- Movie- I have too many favorite movies! Passion Of The Christ, Remember The Titans, All Rocky movies, Rudy, Titanic, The Colour Purple, Gia...ok the list goes on and on, LOL!
- TV show- depending on the season, American Idol, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, oh this list is even longer than the movie one..haha!
- Place to shop- Ross or TJ Maxx or Marshals
- Website- FaceBook of course.
There she is ladies and gents! My Friday Friend, Ginger!
This is a fun idea for a post! Ginger sounds like a kick and you are so lucky to have one another!
What a great friend you have there!
So fun to meet your friend. Thanks for coming by today. You are not are not alone. Just helping you there with your chant. Have a great weekend. Holly at LLL
What a great post idea. And the roller coaster of love comment cracked me up.
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