Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Writer's Block

In an effort to keep my momentum going for the NaNoWriMo I am looking for ways to overcome the infamous "writer's block". Post your ideas on how to defeat the beast and I'll post as I go on what works the best. Think of me as the mythbuster for writers! I love that show. Good luck to everyone entering a contest this month, and to "those" people who finish their manuscripts and are ready to submit them. When I say "those" I mean you people that suck because I'm back to chapter three on a complete rewrite!

Ideas anyone?


Kristen Painter said...

There is no such thing as writer's block. You can always write something. If you're stuck, it means you've gone in the wrong direction. Back track and start over!

Sissi M. said...

Dually noted! I've never experienced the "block", but I've stalled on one project to start another until an idea for the first one hits me again. My problem is having too much to write and never enough time!!! Thanks, Kristen!

Marty said...

Write beyond your "block" continue the story further down the line then when you regain your momentum fill in the missing details.

Sissi M. said...

Marty, kind of like chewing a piece of gum and saving it for later?? I'm kidding! I think that's something I already do when I skip to a new story and end up writing a scene that fits better in my first story. Maybe it should be termed something different for me.

Annie Wicking said...

Try chocolate drops for the dog. I find if I write a short story then go back to my book helps. If not read through the last few paragraphs then without stopping to think about keep on writing. Even if its rubbish, you can always delete if you not happy. Who knows there maybe a spark of an idea to get you back into your writing.

Best wishes and good luck,


Sissi M. said...

Annie, I'll definitely try the short story route. I've been so caught up in one genre that I may step out of it and try my hand at a different one if I get stuck. Thanks!