Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Costume Ideas

Okay my fellow bloggers/readers, it's that time of year again when the ghost, goblins, and ghouls come out to play. Every year a very dear friend has a Halloween themed-Texa's Hold'em-birthday party that requires everyone who plays to wear a costume. There is also a costume contest that everyone can vote in for their favorite. I didn't play cards last year, but this was my costume for the contest:

Mind you, I was 8 months pregnant and nothing else would fit. I won the costume contest and my hubster (the tall, pale and handsome guy next to me) won the tournament.

This year is a bit different. I'm not pregnant, I'm playing in the tournament, and I have no costume. I'm much smaller than last year, (but not small enough!) and can't come up with a single idea that could top the Magic Eight Ball. HELP!

Post your ideas and help me find the most original costume. In return, I'll hold a contest of my own with the new poll of the ideas posted and will give the winner a Spooktacular prize! The prize being a copy of the new Nora Roberts book 'Tribute' and a goody bag. So post your ideas and check out the poll to vote!


Anonymous said...

I can't think under so much pressure!!!AAAAGGGHHH!!!

Laura said...

Sorry, I'm clueless. Completely. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

You and your hubby can dress like the doublemint twins. green shirts, white shorts, blond wigs with green headbands and hand out doublemint gum.