I open with a request...pray. Pray for our law enforcement family.
It's been 1339 days since I traded my Class A's for a desk job as an investigator. I'm not counting; I had to use my phone calendar to look it up. My time in investigations has been amazing, and I can only hope my fellow LEO's get to experience some of what I did. Some. You see, in my short career so far I've responded to three officer involved shootings. One of the three died. I don't wish that experience on anyone.
As a member of our agency's Honor Guard team, I've attended more law enforcement funerals than I can count. Some were in the line of duty deaths, and one was for a retired sheriff who lived to be 101 years old. None of them were easier than the other because regardless of how they died, they were a member of our family. It takes every ounce of bearing I have not break down when they call the End Of Watch over the radio. With each loved one who passes, there's a piece of you that dies with them. It's no different with our law enforcement family which spans our nation. When one dies, we're all in mourning.
Our job is to 'protect and serve'. The public interpretation of that varies. I'll spare you my rant on public interpretation for another read. Please just pray for us. Pray for all of my fellow law enforcement officers/corrections/firefighters/military/public service, who get up every damn day and face the ugliest parts of this world so you don't have to. The officers killed in the line of duty believed they could...
If you're not a believer in God, then send good vibes, happy thoughts, wish for peace, whatever religion or positive belief you do have. Share the GOOD in this world. WE deserve it.
~Sissi M.