Monday, June 20, 2011

"We've been married how many years?"

Happy "We've been married how many years?" Anniversary to my Hubs.  Yeah...I kept him. Here are some quotes and sayings that describe the past umpteen years we've been together and less umpteen years we've been Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin.  

  • The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives.- Isaac Disraeli (I'm a hurricane of fun, let me tell you!)
  • Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing. - Bible
  • Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up.- Joseph Barth (Then we have kids and ruin all the raising.)
  • The young man who wants to marry happily should pick out a good mother and marry one of her daughters - any one will do.- J. Ogden Armour (Hence the reason my husband loves my mother)
  • Only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way, and the other, to let her have it.- Lyndon B. Johnson (Tis why I am usually happy)
  • Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking.- Chinese proverb
  • One of the best hearing aids a man can have is an attentive wife.- Groucho Marx
  • A woman must be a genius to create a good husband.- Honore de Balzac (I do believe I am the smartest woman alive!)
  • Matrimony, - the high sea for which no compass has yet been invented.- Heinrich Heine (For every day is an adventure with no set course.)
  • Marriage is a lottery in which men stake their liberty, and women their happiness.- Bible (If this be the case then I am the richest woman I know.)
I look forward to the words of wisdom you all have to share as well as thoughts and comments on what you think the "secret" to marriage is. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011


My article from was picked up by and recently published.  Check it out: From Corporate Desk to Squad Car