Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Recon in the 'burbs

It was a dark and stormy night...

Okay, it was light out, the rain was steady, but bearable, and the wind was blowing to the north, south, east, and west. We were on a mission. Family and friends were spread throughout the county in need of our assistance. Not really, but we drove out anyway to check on everyone.

Roads are flooded, neighbors are having to sweep water out of their garages, some are floating down the road in canoes because their cars are under water, and parents are going stir crazy because it is the second day of three that the schools are closed after just going back from summer break this past Monday! This storm is wreaking havoc on Brevard's drainage. Homes are flooding, pools overflowing, and dogs disappearing in the back yard as they run out to pee. Gators are swimming through neighborhoods, catfish are being caught in driveways, and drunken adults are yelling at their kids on skateboards and water rafts "That's not how you do it. Give me that umbrella and I'll show you how it's really done!" (I'm not kidding).

Current Conditions:
It's now after dark and the rains are still raining, winds still windy, and weather forecasts still dreary. This is as bad if not worse than a hurricane. TS Fay is literally hovering over us like an eternal black cloud. The only solace I have during this miserable weather is that the boys are finally asleep, the hubster is playing his boxing game, and I can now edit my final draft for submission.

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