Monday, December 27, 2010
Something to write about...
Happy New Year!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ghost Stories

Monday, October 11, 2010
Annual Costume Ideas: 2010
- Roasted Marshmallow: Big white t-shirt, stuff it with pillows or foam fabric, spray paint brown/black flame marks on it, wear brown tights; you can also use a wooden dowel or real stick to put in the back.
- Jail Bait: jail house stripes (dress/shirt & pants) and fish hooks/etc. on a fishing hat.
- Calendar Girl: Get a calendar and pin the different months all over a shirt and pants.
- English muffin: Wear a size too small jeans so you have a muffin top, get a plain t-shirt and use a paint pen to color a British flag on it, and talk with a British accent. (seriously considering this one!)
- Hula Chic: wear a grass skirt and lei with a hula hoop around you
- Diet Dr. Pepper: scrubs, face mask, slim fast (any diet bar) pinned to scrubs, chili peppers (necklace/or pinned to scrubs), optional stethoscope (did this one in 2006)
- Arch Angel: angel costume with golden arches (McDonald’s anything)
- Blackberry: wear all black, use any type of plastic berries (paint them black) and hang on costume or as necklace, use pipe cleaners to make antenna for head.
- Redheaded Step-child: red wig, plastic step stool to carry/hang, and a pacifier.
- Ying Yang (couples idea): one wears black sheet with white dot painted on it, the other a white sheet with a black dot. (Did this for Bobbie and Erin one year!)
- Faux Pas: Any sweatshirt/t-shirt will do, just add fake fur in the shape of a paw (get it, paw/pas…)
- Teepee’d: Wrap yourself in toilet paper, add face paint like a Native American and a feather headband for comical accessories.
- “Yoga”: dress in yoga gear with a Yoda mask (this was funnier when I first thought of it).
- Bed of Roses: pin fake roses to a bed sheet, carry a small pillow or pin it to the sheet also and wrap it around you (also thinking about this one).
- Goldie Locks: wear all black, get the little gold locks and hang all over the outfit; a blond wig may help with hinting at what you are dressed as.
- Book Worm: use two or three sheets of poster board to fold in half (like a book--be really creative and write on it or paste magazine pages), wear a solid color as to not distract from the 'book', wear big fake reading glasses.
- Invisible Woman: (very easy) buy a sheet of cammie netting; when people ask what you are dressed as, wrap it around you so they can't see you.
New ideas will come as I compile the 2010 list. In the mean time add your comments for suggestions or catch some others on my facebook page! Happy Costume Hunting!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Things I've Learned from My Two Year Old...This Week

6.) The "uh oh" you hear just before the toilet flushes means you're buying someone in the house a new tooth brush or he just gave one of the dogs a swirly.
7.) Handing a two-year old a water just plain dumb:

I cringe as I write this only because I know the silence in the background is not a good thing unless he's sleeping.
Monday, July 26, 2010
As you can see I have made it a habit to neglect my blog. I will try to coax that habit down and my writing back up. I have also coaxed my bad habit of smoking so far down the stairs that I dug a six foot deep hole and buried it under the basement. Yes, it's been four months and nary a craving for one.
What habits do you have (good or bad)?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Launching A Star Contest
Monday, June 21, 2010
Her Name...

Happy Anniversary, Hubs!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Where's the Beef?

40 Days...and 40 Nights
With the chaos of the past couple months, there were numerous excuses that rationalized having one. I didn't. I'm glad I didn't. Now I can focus on getting faster and stronger so I can reach my personal goal of beating my Marine Corps run time from 1997--ooof!
Now if you will excuse me I have to go curb my hubby's foul language (before our toddler starts saying it) as he rips the garbage disposal out from under the sink while covered in raw chop meat...oh yes, that blog will soon follow!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 21...

Monday, April 19, 2010
Day 12

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day Six

Thursday, February 25, 2010
What's the difference?
1. a furrow or track in the ground, esp. one made by the passage of a vehicle or vehicles.
2. any furrow, groove, etc.
3. a fixed or established mode of procedure or course of life, usually dull or unpromising: to fall into a rut.
1. an ornamental recess in a wall or the like, usually semicircular in plan and arched, as for a statue or other decorative object.
2. a place or position suitable or appropriate for a person or thing: to find one's niche in the business world.
3. a distinct segment of a market.
4. Ecology. the position or function of an organism in a community of plants and animals.
1. a long, narrow cut or indentation in a surface, as the cut in a board to receive the tongue of another board (tongue-and-groove joint), a furrow, or a natural indentation on an organism.
2. the track or channel of a phonograph record for the needle or stylus.
3. a fixed routine: to get into a groove.
4. Printing. the furrow at the bottom of a piece of type.
5. Slang. an enjoyable time or experience.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Here's three that I've finished since the first week from 2010 hell:
- I, Alex Cross by James Patterson
- Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K. Hamilton
- Fallen by Lauren Kate
My current re-read is Stephen King's Stephen King on Writing. His fundamentals (mechanics) about writing have basically put it in black and white...okay, literally put it in black and white for me.
Two years ago when I became a member of STAR I knew little to nothing about writing other than what I wrote. No clue. None. Now I have a pretty good idea what I'm writing and why I write it. I actually had a conversation with one of my main characters in a dream about where the plot needs to twist in my current WIP. One of the tips fellow members gave was to read different genres that I was interested in, even while writing. It keeps my mind busy during down time, but keeps my writing fresh as I continue with my daily goal.
Not to mention my love for curling up with a bag of Milanos, a cup of hot espresso, and a good book on an unseasonably cold day in the Sunshine state ;-)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bucket List
Let's just say I'm NOT screaming 'Geronimo' or 'yeeha' this week. But I am closing the gap on the whole tank driving thing, and my word count is sure to beat last year's ;-)
The good thing about bucket lists is that you have your whole life to complete them. What's on yours?
Monday, January 18, 2010
For Marla
This month she embarks on a journey that will transform her. Hiding behind the bubbly smile is a woman who faces a struggle, physically and emotionally. Her blog Off the Couch On the Journey will take us with her as she finds time to post about her experience while attending the Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge.
I know her heart is stronger than her doubt, and she will accomplish great things during this journey. My best wishes to you, Marla. May God be your guide as you have guided others to him.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Not Just Cold...
Global warming my a$$. I think it's just a ploy for scientists to divert our attention from some other global catastrophe they can't quite explain so the feed us this crap because they can snap pictures of melting ice caps and penguins with fruity drinks and umbrellas.
From my understanding, as the earth spins on its axis it is also gradually turning upside down. Little by little Australia will no longer be on the bottom of the visual globe. We'll be side ways (not in my lifetime) then upside down (not in my children's lifetime). It's likely the same result as Mars. After all, "they" (the smart guys) say we are also inching closer to the sun.
Here's a theory: if the planets follow the same pattern of rotating, spinning, and flipping, then eventually they all get sucked into the sun--devoured--as new planets are formed and fall into orbit. At some point in the orbit life (humans or non) is sustainable, creating a new Earth. It's a never ending cycle. I know, crazy theory, but it makes more sense than the crap the smart guys try to feed us. Perhaps our man made journey into space is typical from previously devoured planets and that is how life is formed on the newer planets. See? It's feasible. Wow, I think I have a plot for good Sci Fi story!
I'm not sure how I went from it being STUPID COLD to writing in a new genre, but you get the picture at how random this day is going to be. I hope everyone is staying warm. I'm enjoying my slippers, fuzzy robe, and homemade espresso ;-)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I resolve to...
That's my first and foremost resolution. The rest are:
- Not only will I write everyday, but I will write a minimum of an hour everyday. This is to make sure my writing time becomes part of my daily routine. A block of time set aside with NO KIDS, DOGS, or HUBS. I love you boys, but mamma's gotta get her ink on ;-)
- No more Dunkin Donuts...Hubs bought me a new espresso/cappuccino maker that rivals the little bistro in Portugal where I fell in love with dark cup of sin in the first place. I vow to not only learn how to use it, but to use it often.
- Go golfing with hubs at least once a month; and that does not include Wii PGA Tour 10. He's already upset that my golfer is better than his.
- NO DIETS! I refuse to "diet" this year. The cost of food and gym memberships isn't worth the roller coaster of emotions trying to fit back in my size 8's. My phat ass is quite sexy in my 12's and as long as I get my normal ration of chocolate I'll be fine.
- Work out. No diet doesn't mean kill myself running everyday, but I still need to maintain a healthy heart. Heart disease is the number one killer of women my age so I resolve to work out at least three times a week. Not to mention I should be using that blasted Gazelle hubs bought me for Christmas. PFFFLT.
- Make it to Nationals. I'm the newly elected VP for our writing chapter; it seems fitting to go this year. Yeah...we'll see how this pans out with work, school, the academy, and of course my boys!
- Submit, submit, submit. I want to get four submitted this year, along with at least three contests. There's no other way to know if you're good enough unless you put yourself out there.
- Wear heels. I'm a flip flop chic with a fetish for shoes that I never wear. This year I resolve to wear heels at least once a week.
- Be confrontational. I usually avoid confrontation for the sake of keeping the peace, but this past year has proven that I let people, especially my job, take advantage of me when I should have stood up for myself. Guess what 'people'? I now have a pair, and I'm going to reach down and grab them every time you try to push me down. *whhhhiiiiichaaaaa*
- Last, and by far the least, I'm going to smile. Not all the time, just every so often. Just enough to make people paranoid at what I may or may not know, may or may not do.
Those are my 10 resolutions, all feasible.
*My muse is currently playing hide and seek so this will count for my writing today.