Thursday, October 29, 2009
Did I say that out loud?

Monday, October 26, 2009
Halloween's not over yet?
A great Saturday of writing with my STARs at our annual retreat, the birthday bash that night, and day of recovery on Sunday, I realized today that I have yet to buy candy/goodies for this coming Saturday! *sigh* Are you sure Halloween's not over yet? I mean, there's Christmas decorations up already.
Today I got a little frustrated trudging to the store to buy candy. The small bags of the good stuff (M&Ms, Snickers, Reese's, etc.) were $2.50...SMALL is an understatement! The large bags were nearly $10 for roughly 40 pieces! Come on! Kids grab HANDFULS of candy, not one or two!
I was tempted to try the Dollar Tree to see if they might have the chintzy toys to add to the bowl. Instead I came home and got on here to rant. The price of holidays are too high. Everyday living has gotten too expensive. To add extra costs to our already tight budget for candy and toys that will end up getting thrown away in a few weeks is making me pull my hair out from the huge wast of time and money. I use to enjoy holidays, but I'm really becoming a Humbug.
Any ideas on inexpensive yet worthwhile Halloween treats is greatly appreciated! Mind you I work full-time, school for me and my boys, and have roughly 5 days. Any ideas???
Oh, and because I promised, here's a couple of pictures from the party:

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Old Wives Tales
The old wives tale about your hands itching goes something like this:
If the palm of your right hand is itchy, money will be coming your way. But, if you scratch the right hand while it is itchy, it’ll keep the money from coming.
If the left hand is itchy, you will be paying money to someone, and you should scratch away to do away with the payments.


Be sure that someone says “God Bless you” when you sneeze to drive the devil away or he may enter your body.
Here are the old wives tales for every day of the week and the meaning of your sneeze:
- Monday means danger.
- Tuesday means you will kiss a stranger
- Wednesday means you will receive a letter
- Thursday means something better is coming
- Friday means sorrow.
- Saturday means you will see your love tomorrow.
- Sunday means that the devil will be in control over you all week long.
Even how many times you sneeze in a row has meaning:
- Sneeze once for sorrow.
- Sneeze twice for joy.
- Sneeze three times for a letter.
- Sneeze four times for a boy.
- Sneeze five times for silver.
- Sneeze six times for gold.
- Sneeze seven times for a secret that will never be told.
The old wives tale says that you should not tattoo the name of your lover on your skin, or the relationship is destined to fail.
DROPPING SILVERWARE: If you drop a spoon, a baby is coming/someone in your family is going to have a baby.
If you drop a fork, a woman is coming. When you drop a fork that means that a woman is coming to your door. It could be a friend, a family member, or even just a delivery person.
If you drop a knife, a man is coming. This is the same as for dropping a fork only it will be a man.
MONEY: If you always pick up burnt matches instead of leaving them laying you will find money.
When you peel onions, burn them and you will never by empty handed.
At the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve, while holding money in one hand, kneel and pray and you will have money the remaining of the year.
If you see a shooting star, say money, money, money and you will soon receive money.
If you see bubbles in the rain, you will receive a lot of money.
Wrap a penny in paper and carry it with you this will make sure you never go broke.
If you make money on Monday, keep it and the amount will increase during the remainder of the week.
Here's a couple of websites that have many more:
What are some old wives tales you've heard and/or believe?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Another Meaning

Monday, October 12, 2009
A Loving Gift..and Bleeding Ears

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Spiders, Poo, and Dead Squirrels, OH MY!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
More Costume Ideas
- Fat B***ard and Skinny B**ch (couples): either the guy or girl wears the blow up suit (like the sumo wrestler costume) with a kilt--this costume is available online and hilarious--and the other wears a tighter version of a kilt and Scottish accessories.
- Bed of Roses: attach fake roses all over a bed sheet, drape it around you like a toga, carry or attach a small pillow to the costume.
- Goldie Locks: wear all black, get the little gold locks and hang all over the outfit; a blond wig may help with hinting at what you are dressed as.
- Book Worm: use two or three sheets of poster board to fold in half (like a book--be really creative and write on it or paste magazine pages), wear a solid color as to not distract from the 'book', wear big fake reading glasses.
- Invisible Woman: (very easy) buy a sheet of cammie netting; when people ask what you are dressed as, wrap it around you so they can't see you.
Still waiting on suggestions! Happy Halloween Costume Hunting!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sissi's Costume Ideas: first 20
- Roasted Marshmallow: Big white t-shirt, stuff it with pillows or foam fabric, spray paint brown/black flame marks on it, wear brown tights; you can also use a wooden dowel or real stick to put in the back.
- Jail Bait: jail house stripes (dress/shirt & pants) and fish hooks/etc. on a fishing hat.
- Calendar Girl: Get a calendar and pin the different months all over a shirt and pants.
- English muffin: Wear a size too small jeans so you have a muffin top, get a plain t-shirt and use a paint pen to color a British flag on it, and talk with a British accent. :-)
- Party Animal: any dog/cat/bear/etc. mask, a toga, a beer mug.
- Hula Chic: wear a grass skirt and lei with a hula hoop around you
- Beewitched: (duh) bee costume with a witch hat.
- Physical: (ode to Olivia Newton John) leotard with leg warmers, belted waist, and 80’s hair with head band.
- Diet Dr. Pepper: scrubs, face mask, slim fast (any diet bar) pinned to scrubs, chili peppers (necklace/or pinned to scrubs), optional stethoscope (did this one in 2006)
- Afro-American: Afro wig with Indian costume (did this one in 2008)
- Archangel: angel costume with golden arches (McDonald’s anything)
- Fallen/Broken Angel: angel wings, bandages/crutches/brace/etc.
- Blackberry: wear all black, use any type of plastic berries (paint them black) and hang on costume or as necklace, use pipe cleaners to make antenna for head.
- Redheaded Step-child: (for Rayna) red wig, plastic step stool to carry/hang, and a pacifier.
- Ying Yang (couples idea): one wears black sheet with white dot painted on it, the other a white sheet with a black dot. (Did this for Bobbie and Erin one year!)
- Faux Pas: Any sweatshirt/t-shirt will do, just add fake fur in the shape of a paw (get it, paw/pas…)
- Teepee’d: Wrap yourself in toilet paper, add face paint like a Native American and a feather headband for comical accessories.
- “Yoga”: dress in yoga gear with a Yoda mask (this was funnier when I first thought of it).
- Voodoo Doll: wrap up in a sheet/toilet paper/ace bandages, and then stick Styrofoam balls with pipe cleaners to look like large pins; Use face paint for effect. You can draw a heart on the chest and label other body parts to stick.
- Fat Tuesday: Instead of Wednesday Adams…wear a Goth outfit with the dark makeup, a black Mardi Gras mask, and stuff it for padding unless your like me and can pull it off as pleasantly plump :-)
Last year's winner was the hostess with an awesome Smurfette costume (blue from head to toe!), and in 2007 I was conveniently eight months pregnant, taking the title for a last chance to pull this costume off: Magic 8 Ball
Top hat and accessories $7, Paint for belly, $2, eight months pregnant to pull it off...lifetime of trying to out do this blasted costume!