It's that time of year! With Halloween just around the corner it's countdown to this year's costume choice for the annual Texas Hold'em Massacre.
A quick preview of costumes past:
1. Magic 8 Ball: 8 months prego with nothing that fits other than yoga pants and sports bras. Cheap black and white face paint for the belly 8 ball, a top hat and magic wand with a little bag of answers.
2. Afro-American: Native American Indian outfit with an Afro and braids.
3. Fallen Angel: hand-sewn bodice and skirt over a tutu with wings, crutches, arm and leg brace (hence 'fallen').
4. Edwina Scissor Hands: mostly store bought with the scissor gloves and dress, added the tutu/boots/ripped hose, and crazy wig. A tattoo scar across the face/lips made the makeup.
5. Zombie Happy Bunny: Bunny ears, zombie makeup, pajama footies with a bunny tail, smart-alec t-shirt.
And this year's contenders:
Goldie Locks: blonde curly hair, black dress w/gold locks all over it.
Diet Dr. Pepper: scrubs, stethoscope, chili peppers and slim fast bars attached to the scrubs. (done a previous year, but not for the Massacre).
Teepee'd: Wrap up in toilet paper, add warrior paint and a feather headdress for accessories.
Calendar Girl: any outfit will do with calendars pinned to it. Oh, and it helps if you're a girl or you could just pad a bra and add a wig ;-)
Altophobia (fear of heights): Play on words here, where a music symbol for alto and carry a stool so when asked what you are dressed as you can stand on the stool looking down scared...okay, it's geek humor, get with it.
Coulrophobia (fear of clowns): Dress up as an evil clown. This is funnier for everyone else that has to look at you and you realize how many people are terrified of clowns.
Boxed Wine: Boxing gloves, cardboard box decorated like a fine red or favorite white Zinfandel, black-eye makeup.
Boxed Wine II: Boxing gloves, purple balloons/some deflated attached to a shirt, black-eye makeup.
Little Red Riding Hood: Red hoodie and talk gangster. Seriously, so stupid it's funny.
Runaway Bride: (as seen before) Running shoes/shorts, bridal veil and white gloves. Add accessories like a water bottle and bouquet.
Energizer Bunny: Pink-all-over outfit with a bunny tail and ears, dark glasses, any big popcorn tin / drum strapped around the neck or shoulders, two big cardboard rolls on the back painted to look like batteries.
Mr. "Tea": Any type of tea bags and pin them together like a necklace, the signature mohawk, and a tea cup.
Vampire Cullen style: Vampire teeth, white face paint, add glitter spray for the sparkle effect in sunlight.
Miss America: Dress as Captain America but add a pageant crown and sash.
Here's Johnny!: Red shirt, crazy Jack Nicholson eyebrows and smile, poke the face through an axed cabinet door. Classic Shining.
That's all I've got this year. If you come up with any ideas please post them in the comments. Most important, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Edwina Scissor Hands

Fallen Angel and 'Sweet Cheeks'
Never going to beat the 'Magic 8 Ball'