“The song is as relevant to me today as it was when we recorded it. We appeal to the good cops to weed out these bad cops and maybe we’ll get some progress.” ~O'Shea Jackson, a.k.a. Ice Cube, reference his N.W.A. song 'F--k tha Police'.
This statement in its full context (found here on Yahoo) is like fighting fire with fire. It only makes the issue worse. If there's going to be any chance at real change FOR THE BETTER then support the good cops, start sharing the good stories about police, and all of our men and women willing to put their lives on the line for complete strangers. Somehow in the mix of this police hatred it's turned into a race-baiter's playground. Since when are all police white? The political asshats who are stirring the pot on this should check their eyesight.

This is the beginning of what a nation without law enforcement will be like: (CNN) A Birmingham, Alabama, police detective who was pistol-whipped unconscious said Friday that he hesitated to use force because he didn't want to be accused of needlessly killing an unarmed man. "A lot of officers are being too cautious because of what's going on in the media," said the officer, who asked to remain anonymous for the safety of his family. "I hesitated because I didn't want to be in the media like I am right now."
Wake up, America. When we as law enforcement hesitate to protect ourselves, do you really think we'll jump in to protect you? You can't fight fire with fire, Mr. 'Ice Cube'. Even firefighters use water to put out the flames.
The hardest thing to understand about Freedom of Speech is that for law enforcement it's not free. Others can spew their hatred and personal beliefs, where we are expected to just nod agree or be publicly persecuted for having an individual opinion.
Instead of listening to the hatred and supporting the hashtags for #blacklivesmatter vs #policelivesmatter as a negative platform, we should be blasting the social media bullies who created such a divide. My life matters. My family's lives matter. The people I'm sworn to protect, their lives matter. The guy who threatens me and points a gun in my face, his life matters, even when I end it. No headline is going to stop me from protecting myself or those around me. The few injustices by officers who made bad decisions or who are corrupt and abuse their power is FAR outweighed by the silent thousands who are good officers, who walk the line and uphold justice, and put their lives on the line every day for a thankless society.
I'm blessed to work with men and women who know my ability to do my job is more important than the color of my skin. I'm blessed to live in a community where the majority appreciate law enforcement.
Here's to all the good law enforcement officers. And here's some POSITIVE NEWS for law enforcement, take a look at these good cops:
Georgia Cop Saves 2 Lives in 1 Shift
Maryland Officer Saves 10-day Old from Choking
Austin Police Officer Saves Woman's Life During Traffic Stop
Ft. Lauderdale Police Officer Saves Woman's Life
Ft. Worth Police Officer Kellie Whitehead Saves Drowning Man From Lake Como
"To change the hearts and minds of men you must learn to listen; otherwise your words will fall on deaf ears, for the opinions of fools are always louder. ~L.S. Buckley"